Stable identifiers
Herbarium # WU 0044133
Collection # WU
Stored under taxonname Minuartia mesogitana (Boiss.) Hand.-Mazz. subsp. lydia (Boiss.) McNeill var. kotschyana (Boiss.) McNeill   tropicos
Family Caryophyllaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned J. McNeill 1961-09-27
Ident. history orig.: Alsine subtilis; J. Mattfeld 1922-01: Minuartia subtilis; J. McNeill 1961-09-27: Minuartia mesogitana subsp. lydia var. kotschyana
authentic specimen of Alsine subtilis Fenzl
Diagn. Pl. Orient. sér. 2 3 (1): 86 (1854-05)
Pl. pers. austr. : 501 (1845)
Pl. Pers. bor. : 272 (1846)
Typified by: E. Boissier 
Current Name: Minuartia subtilis (Fenzl) Hand.-Mazz.
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Kotschy,C.G.T. Th. Kotschy, Iter cilicicum in Tauri alpes "Bulgar Dagh" 45 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1853-07
Location Türkiye
Label In valle Karli Boghas locis rupestribus opacis alt. 5600 ped. [1700 m.] ; Alt. 1700 m