Stable identifiers
Herbarium # WU 0025752
Collection # WU
Stored under taxonname Anaxagorea zeylanica Hook. f. & Thomson   tropicos
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Family Annonaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned P. Maas (U) 1992
Ident. history orig.: Anaxagorea zeylanica; P. Keßler (L) 1984-09-28: Anaxagorea luzonensis; P. Maas (U) 1992: !
Syntypus of Anaxagorea zeylanica Hook. f. & Thomson
Fl. Ind. (Hook. f. & Thomson) 1: 144 (1855-07)
Typified by: P. J. M. Maas (U) 1992
Current Name: Anaxagorea luzonensis A. Gray
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Cuming,H. 831 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date s.d.
Location Philippines
Label Sine loco.
Annotations ex W